ASB meeting


Join Zoom Meeting:


  • D3.2: draft status (Valentin)
  • VA upcoming milestone - data collection timeline (Hien)
  • Policy brief update (Smitesh)
  • Updates from use cases (Valentin)
  • Updates about external use cases (Valentin, Smitesh)
  • Competence Centre meeting (Gergely)
    • Day1: Project updates, Use case updates, Group work (move to delivery/validation)
    • Day 2: Platform updates with discussion (Moving to production w OSCARS - Tutorial style?; Streaming data), Group work cont.?, Local AI talk?
  • Updates on iMagine services and iMagine dashboard (Alvaro)
  • OSCAR training to the use cases (Alvaro)
  • ESFRI - EOSC &AI workshop - Panel questions (Gergely, Dick)
  • Date of next meeting
The agenda of this meeting is empty