Sep'24 - M5.4 AI application deployment completed in production environment. Actions from D3.3:
A1: Going public with the services - Descriptions to Web & Marketplace (Ilaria) Actions from 19/6:
Improve the attractiveness of the Thematic Services page for the users - This is the starting point for the user journey (Smitesh Jain and Ilaria Fava )
Identify which service(s) can be deployed/instantiated (Alvaro Lopez Garcia )
Add access guide text to the description of the service (Alvaro Lopez Garcia )
UPDATE from 17/7: Ilaria to ask UC1-5 for further info to link about usage to the website.
Zenodo extension for iMagine datasets (Tjerk/Dick)
A2: Completion of application portals via OSCAR (UC1, UC2, UC3o, UC4). Action:
Valentin Kozlov in the bi-weekly WP3 meeting. Update from 17/7:
UC1 is setting up own OSCAR
UC2 wants to use the iMagine OSCAR
UC3 need to be checked
UC4 they want to setup their own, but on iMagine resources. Do they really need an OSCAR? - To check
UC5 is already in OSCAR cluster (TBC)
A3: Tracking usage for the application delivery (More detailed sheets to gather data considering the delivery methods). Action:
Use the existing VA sheet to collect metrics values. Clarify these during the 1-on-1 meetings planned for early Sept.
New: What kind of statistics can we obtain from the iMagine platform about the users and usage level?
New: PMO to organise 1-on-1 calls with each of the 5 use cases in the first half of Sept - PM+Ilaria+Smitesh. Anyone else want to join? Topics to cover in each meeting:
Status of accessibility: Web site entry, Marketplace entry, Documentation, Helpdesk
Usage so far based on existing metrics (values, usage pattern, user feedback)
Promotion plan for PY3: Who, to whom, how, when?
A4: Monitoring actual GPU consumption instead of allocation. Action:
Provide report about allocation and usage history on a per use case basis for the bi-weekly each WP3 meetings Alvaro Lopez Garcia. Use the report to survey the use cases whose allocation can be released.
Survey the 3 GPU sites to understand their usage situation (allocation vs actual usage) Gergely Sipos. All 3 can continue like today (IFCA, TUBITAK, LIP)
IFCA: Alvaro Lopez Garcia to check and understand how the resources are being used and what measures can be put (warning, limitation, GPU reclaiming ...)
A5: Usage statistics for UC3 - Relates to A3
Plan for the second reporting period (Andre)
Aug '24 - D2.6 Business Model analysis and Sustainability Plan (Smitesh) - Delayed to Sept. Response from PO?