ASB meeting


Zoom Connection Details (iMagine Zoom Host): 


  • Deliverables and milestones:
    • M5.4 AI application deployment completed in production environment. 
      • Status description of thematic services in D5.2=M5.4 - Dick
      • Related actions:
        • A1: Going public with the services - Descriptions to Web & Marketplace (Ilaria) Actions from 19/6:
          • Thematic Services page for the users - This is the starting point for the user journey (Smitesh Jain and Ilaria Fava ) --> DONE
          • Identify which service(s) can be deployed/instantiated --> UC1, 5 now. What else? UC3 is indicated for access on the web. Online video stream for that?
          • Add access request form into the services that are available for access --> TODO Ilaria. What is the 'Sign up for service updates' form?
          • Add access guide text to the description of the models in the marketplace (Valentin+Alvaro) --> ?
        • Zenodo extension for iMagine datasets (Tjerk/Dick) --> Status was asked from CERN on 24/9
      • Deliverables: 
  • EC review:
  • Risk updates: --> Owners to update by next meeting
  • Updates from use cases and about external use cases (Valentin, Ilaria)
    • Call with DEAL (new external use case) - Ilaria?
       doodle sent to them, no answer yet 
  • Platform updates (Alvaro)
    • A4: Monitoring actual GPU consumption instead of allocation. Action:
      • Provide report about allocation and usage history on a per use case basis for the bi-weekly each WP3 meetings Alvaro Lopez Garcia. Use the report to survey the use cases whose allocation can be released.
      • IFCA: Alvaro Lopez Garcia to check and understand how the resources are being used and what measures can be put (warning, limitation, GPU reclaiming ...)
  • Upcoming events (Ilaria)
    • EGI'24
  • Date of next meeting: 
    • F2F in Lecce?
    • Oct 16 --> Have to move to another week
  • AOB
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