Description of the work
The development of GGUS, the tool behind the EGI helpdesk and the EGI technology helpdesk, has been guided by advisory groups since the days of EGEE-II, when first the ESC (Executive Support Committee) and later on the USAG (User Support Advisory Group) were fulfilling this role. With the start of EGEE, this role was shared between the OTAG (Operational Tools Advisory Group) and the USAG (User Services Advisory Group). After the USAG was discontinued it was decided that a GGUS specific advisory body should be founded, bringing on board all the stakeholder from EGI, NGIs, VRCs and Technology Providers. The group will meet on a regular basis to discuss the high level strategic direction the development of GGUS should be taking.
Wider impact of this work
The EGI helpdesk is one of the central tools used to communicate within the EGI ecosystem, inside and across the borders of projects, infrastructures and user communities. As such it is vital that the general strategic direction of the development is discussed with all the stakeholders. This face to face meeting aims at kick starting the new advisory group.
Printable Summary
This is the first face to face meeting of the recently founded GGUS Advisory Group. GGUS (Global Grid User Support) is the tool behind the EGI helpdesk. Since the EGI helpdesk is used for various purposes by a large number of different user groups, the establishment of an advisory group regularly discussing seemed necessary. Amongst other things, the meeting aims to further detail the composition of the group, its processes and frequency of convening. There will be presentations on current development and strategic topics.
This is a closed meeting - anyone intending to attend should contact the Chairman, Dr Torsten Antoni.
Link for further information