17–21 Sept 2012
Clarion Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

Future of EGI Operations - workshop

20 Sept 2012, 14:00
Zenit (Clarion Conference Centre)


Clarion Conference Centre

Workshop EGI Operations (Tiziana Ferrari: track leader) Operations


Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)

Wider impact of this work

Evolution of the operations architecture, contribution of operations to the implementation of the EGI strategic plan.

Printable Summary

EGI Operations rely on a set of tools, policies, procedures and services that allow seamless operations of heterogeneous infrastructures, which differ considerably in complexity, software deployed and supported, user communities supported etc.
In this workshop we will address the problems of the current operations model and we will discuss ideas on how to advance its architecture to make it more sustainable and suitable to Resource Infrastructures with different needs. In addition, we will discuss:

  1. the operations sustainability of NGI and EGI operational services after EGI-InSPIRE
  2. areas of innovations that have a good potential of being funded through Horizon 2020
  3. the impact of middleware sustainability plans on EGI

The session seeks participation of operations experts, Resource Infrastructure representatives and Resource Centre representatives who will thus have a chance to contribute to the definition of the operations roadmap for the next project years.

Description of the work

This workshop aims at involving Operations experts, Resource Infrastructure representatives and Resource Centre representatives in order to start defining an EGI operations roadmap for the next project years.

Primary author

Dr Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.EU)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.