17–21 Sept 2012
Clarion Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

Increasing the attractiveness of EGI for computational chemistry

18 Sept 2012, 15:00
Leo (Clarion Conference Centre)


Clarion Conference Centre

Presentation Community and Co-ordination (Sergio Andreozzi: track leader) Experience in community building


Jelena Tamuliene (EGI.EU)

Wider impact of this work


Description of the work

Virtual Organisations that the EGI community offers in the ‘Computational Chemistry and Material Sciences’ domain; Identifying key scientific applications that could benefit from resources and services of the National Grid Infrastructures, and assists the integration of these applications with these services through focused technical projects. The work aimed at increasing the number of EGI beneficiaries from the computational chemistry and material sciences domain by improving the portfolio of services that EGI provides for researchers and application
developers in this field. The talk will present the achievements of the seconded application expert and the lessons learnt by EGI from this work.

Printable Summary

EGI.eu as an organisation that coordinates the work of the European Grid Infrastructure community is involved in a number of projects. These projects require on occasion skills and effort beyond which EGI.eu has available internally. To respond to these needs, and allow the exchange of experiences between EGI.eu and NGI/EIRO staff, EGI.eu established a secondment programme that allows technical staff from organisations affiliated to EGI.eu as participants or associated participants, to work at EGI.eu on these projects. An application expert from the Lithuanian NGI, with scientific background in computational chemistry has been working at EGI.eu for three months in 2012 in the secondment programme. Her task involved the review of existing applications, tools and

Primary author

Presentation materials