Sep 17 – 21, 2012
Clarion Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone

Manifesto for Secure AdHoc Data Sharing

Sep 18, 2012, 11:44 AM
Taurus (Clarion Conference Centre)


Clarion Conference Centre

Presentation Resource Infrastructure services (Peter Solagna: track leader) Research Infrastructures


Pawel Plaszczak (GridwiseTech)

Wider impact of this work


Printable Summary

A decade ago,  the idea of the Virtual Organizations (VO) was born: dynamic groups of mutual trust, that people (or processes) could set up on the fly. Soon, the first Virtual Organizations were implemented… or were they really? Nope.  Bureaucracy won. In corporations and universities alike, there is one security bottleneck: the human administrator with his procedures. On the pretext of technology requirements, in the fear of responsibility, we have killed productivity and forgotten the premise of on-the-fly, secure yet easy sharing.

Description of the work

We should all go back to the drawing board! The manifesto for secure data sharing is this:1. Free the ordinary users! Let them decide to share.2. User-friendly data sharing interface should not require IT skills.3. Data sharing must be easy, efficient and take seconds.In our talk we will introduce you to AdHoc. AdHoc allows to share resources securely, easily and quickly, based on the Grid security control. It is integrated with Globus and VOMS. And it implements the Manifesto.

Primary author


Anton Frank (BADW) Pawel Plaszczak (GridwiseTech) Sebastian Czechowski (GridwiseTech)

Presentation materials