Printable Summary
The role of Grid Oversight activity is currently to ensure the infrastructure presents expected level of performance with respect to operations activities. This includes handling incidents in a timely manner, achieving service availability/reliability thresholds. Two of new metrics included in Operations Level Agreement framework are also monitored by Grid Oversight - namely Top Level BDII availability and efficiency of Regional Operator on Duty team. It seems a natural consequence on the way of increasing the European Grid Infrastructure maturity that Service Level Agreement will be developed. This paper evaluates impact and role of Grid Oversight in such environment.
Description of the work
The analysis of enhancing Service Level Management framework towards Service Level Agreements is done from the perspective of Central Operator on Duty work including changes to operations procedures & tools.
Wider impact of this work
The paper may be interesting to Operations Management and anyone involved in current Grid Oversight structure, namely members of Central Operator on Duty and Regional Operator on Duty teams. It highlights some thoughts for the future of European Grid Infrastructure.