Description of the work
StratusLab was a short, two-year European project that succeeded in developing an complete, open-source cloud distribution. Near the end of the project, the consortium developed a sustainability strategy that described the plans for continued support and development of the StratusLab software as well as the development tools and resources. Key parts of the strategy were 1) continued use of the StratusLab software on academic infrastructure, 2) incorporation of the software in commercial products, and 3) expanding use of the StratusLab cloud services in software engineering, particularly in DevOps settings. The presentation will describe the StratusLab sustainability strategy and its current status four months after the formal end of the project.
Printable Summary
StratusLab was a short, two-year European project that succeeded in developing an complete, open-source cloud distribution. The presentation provides a description of the StratusLab sustainability strategy and the status of current efforts.
Wider impact of this work
The presentation will be of interest to running projects that are planning their own sustainability strategies. It will offer insight into what has and has not worked for StratusLab.