Sep 17 – 21, 2012
Clarion Conference Centre
Europe/Prague timezone


EGI-CSIRT Security Training Hands-on Wrap-Up

Sep 18, 2012, 11:00 AM
Clarion Conference Centre

Clarion Conference Centre

Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, Czech Republic


EGI-CSIRT Security Training Hands-on Wrap-Up: Introduction & Hands-on Part I

  • Riccardo Brunetti (INFN)
  • Sven Gabriel (Nikhef)

EGI-CSIRT Security Training Hands-on Wrap-Up: Hands-on Part II

  • Sven Gabriel (Nikhef)
  • Leif Nixon (LIU)

EGI-CSIRT Security Training Hands-on Wrap-Up

  • Riccardo Brunetti (INFN)

EGI-CSIRT Security Training Hands-on Wrap-Up

  • Riccardo Brunetti (INFN)


If you want to participate, please register at the following URL:

This is a sequence of sessions starting Tues 18th at 11:00, followed by Wed 16:00 and concluding with a double session on Fri.

In this security hands-on, the participants will take on the role as security teams being responsible for the operational security of simulated grid sites running in a virtualized environment. The sites will face attacks very similar to those seen in real life. The team's task is to respond to these attacks and keep their services up and running as far as possible.
The target audience is system administrators with a good knowledge of linux. Please note that the number of participants will be somehow limited by the underlying testbed used for the hands-on (18 max).
An introduction to the the tutorial can be found here:

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Sven Gabriel (Nikhef)
9/18/12, 11:00 AM
Heiko Reese (KIT-G), Leif Nixon (LIU)
9/18/12, 11:20 AM
Dr Sven Gabriel (Nikhef)
9/18/12, 12:20 PM
Leif Nixon (LIU)
9/19/12, 4:00 PM
Heiko Reese (KIT-G), Dr Sven Gabriel (Nikhef)
9/19/12, 4:45 PM
Riccardo Brunetti (INFN), Dr Sven Gabriel (Nikhef)
9/21/12, 1:30 PM
EGI Operations (Tiziana Ferrari: track leader)
Building timetable...