8–12 Apr 2013
The University of Manchester
GB timezone

VOMS-aware identity service for Openstack

9 Apr 2013, 14:00
Theatre (The University of Manchester)


The University of Manchester

Presentations Cloud Platforms (Track Lead: M Drescher and M Turilli) Cloud Platforms


Mr Alvaro Garcia (CSIC)


The main impact of this work is the integration of a well established grid framework (VOMS) into the authentication and authorization chain in the Openstack cloud middleware. This makes possible for the current EGI users and administrators to use an existing and well known tool for the authentication, authorization and group management. Moreover, the usage of VOMS opens the door to the integration and adaptation of existing Grid tools (job submission, data management, monitoring, etc.) so that they can be used against a Cloud testbed, making possible a better integration and federation of the cloud resources.


Cloud testbeds are being deployed more and more by EGI resource providers, creating an heterogeneous ecosystem with different middleware stacks. The software used across the sites is normally non designed to be operated in a federated way, such as the EGI Grid testbed is currently used. In this work we present the implementation of a VOMS-aware Openstack identity service (Keystone) and the deployment in a federated testbed with different resource providers and middleware stacks.


Cloud testbeds are being deployed more and more by EGI resource providers, creating an heterogeneous ecosystem with different middleware stacks. The software used across the sites is normally non designed to be operated in a federated way, such as the EGI Grid testbed is currently used. In this work we present the implementation of a VOMS-aware Openstack identity service (Keystone) and the deployment in a federated testbed with different resource providers and middleware stacks.

Primary author

Mr Alvaro Garcia (CSIC)


Enol Castillo (CSIC) Mattieu Puel (CNRS)

Presentation materials