This teleconference will form the first in a 2 stage induction process:
- The first stage is to be this teleconference during which the new EGI Champions and EGI managers will engage in a discussion on the Aims for the Champions scheme and then explore ideas on how best for EGI staff to support the Champions. It is most important for all to understand what the first Champions feel they can and want to achieve.
- The second stage will most probably be a Face 2 Face meeting in early January when we can collectively respond in depth to the requirements raised during the 1st teleconference so that the new Champions can be confident to take on this new role.
Attendance will be:
for EGI:
Steven Newhouse, Catherine Gater, Steve Brewer, Tiziana Ferrari, Sergio Andreozzi, Richard McLennan,
For Champions (via Webex):
Ashiq Anjum, Eleni Katragkou, Mark Santcroos (present in EGI Conf Room), Silvio Pardi, Stella Arnaouti, Tomas Kulhanek.
Webex connection details are being distributed separately by e-mail from Richard McLennan.
Opening of session with introductions
participants log in and are introduced
Richard McLennan(EGI.EU)
Steven Newhouse sets context of meeting
Steven Newhouse(EGI.EU)
Summary of Points for Discussion
Stephen Brewer(EGI.EU)
Champions topics for discussion
Open Discussion of points raised by Champions
Discussions follow stated needs of Champions with EGI reactions as to how to meet the needs.