24–25 Jan 2011
CWI building (next to Nikhef)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Critical Security Handling procedure

25 Jan 2011, 12:15
Z009 (CWI building (next to Nikhef))


CWI building (next to Nikhef)

CWI Meeting room 105 Science Park,1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Linda Cornwall (STFC) Mingchao Ma (STFC)


As you may know, CSIRT has recognised that a Critical Security Operational Procedure needs to be defined. I have drafted one, and it has been iterated a few times with Mingchao and other CSIRT members. We think it is now mature enough to ask you for your opinion on it. Mingchao and I think that the OMB will need to approve it, as it defines the steps leading up to site suspension. [Linda]

Presentation materials