EGI Champions

EGI Champions Communications Trng - TF13 Madrid

by Mr Martin Ince, Ms Wendy Barnaby

Hidalgo & Segovia

Hidalgo & Segovia

This double session training event at the EGI Technical Forum 13 in Madrid follows on from the 2 hr webinar conducted in June 2013 by Martin Ince (see and Wendy Barnaby (BBC).  The shared document created during that event is available on the EGI Google drive.

Broad agenda/description:
Session 1: 11.00 – 12.30
11.00 Welcome and introductionsCatherine Gater or Richard McLennan to welcome Champions briefly
Personal introductions including experiences of being Champions: problems and successes.
11.15  Delivering key messages
Each Champion delivers a two-minute talk about EGI as if they were addressing the last scientific meeting they attended. 
Martin and Wendy lead the other Champions in a discussion of content and delivery.
12.10  Key messages in 140 characters 
On the basis of the feedback, Champions write the Tweet they would send to the delegates at the meeting.
Session 2: 14.00 – 15.30
14.00  More detailed feedback on key messages 
The Champions divide into two groups: one with Wendy for audio recording and one with Martin for video recording.
Each Champion delivers a two-minute talk on the difference EGI will have made to their specialist subject and to the world at large by 2020.  Playback of deliveries, followed by discussion with the whole group about content and delivery.
14.40  Change over groups
15.20  Whole group reassembles for discussion of worst fears and learning points. 
  • Afonso Duarte
  • Eleni Katragkou
  • Fotis Psomopoulos
  • Mark Santcroos
  • Pardi Silvio
  • Richard McLennan
  • Stella Arnaouti
  • Tomas Kulhanek