In her new role as Director EGI InSPIRE, Dr Tiziana Ferrari initiated this workshop with the intent to engage actively with the EGI communities and thereby to both foster close collaboration with stakeholders and to acknowledge their needs as we move forwards towards the Horizon 2020 work programme. Note that in order to maximise the effectiveness and benefit of this event, a separate but related series of preparatory meetings has also taken place (starting 16 Oct) with NGI International Liaisons (NILs), EGI Champions and NGI Operations Managers.
The workshop aims to:
* present the EGI strategy to the whole community;
* discuss the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015;
* in a open and collaborative environment, we will collect and discuss plans and strategies for innovation from the members of the EGI community. The focus is to be on ideas that allow EGI to evolve to support new services and business models, the integration and support of multidisciplinary science, the development of human networks and of a EGI distributed competence centre. In the context of the EGI Federated Cloud, we will explore how to extend its capabilities and its supported user communities.
The workshop is intended for but is not limited to:
* Representatives of existing and new user communities
* Research Infrastructure representatives
* NGIs and EIROs
* Resource Centres
* Technology Providers
We seek to capture stakeholder ideas for innovation: firstly for new and innovative EGI InSPIRE mini-projects; secondly and most significantly in the longer term, for innovative project collaborations that match the Horizon 2020 vision. The workshop will also continue to foster the creation of collaborations across all the EGI stakeholders.