19–23 May 2014
Helsinki University, Main Building
Europe/Helsinki timezone

DIRAC 4 EGI: roadmap towards H2020

22 May 2014, 15:15
Room 6 (Helsinki University, Main Building)

Room 6

Helsinki University, Main Building

Sessions contributions Virtual Research Environments, gateways and workflow engines (Track Leaders: J. Montagnat, G. Sipos) DIRAC Virtual Research Environment pilot for EGI


Dr Ricardo Graciani Diaz (University of Barcelona)


DIRAC 4 EGI pilot initiative is intended to prove the feasibility of a pan european DIRAC installation providing open access to e-Infrastructure to any interested community or individual. After collecting the feedback from the initial providers and users of the service, its long term operation and strategy for the incorporation of new communities will be discussed. The vision of the proponents, EGI.eu and the DIRAC, is that this service will provide a simple and powerful, single entry point to the available e-Infrastructure. At the same time, DIRAC offers to its users the possibility to customize their experience building their own Virtual Research Environment using the same DIRAC framework or connecting their own solution to the provided service. The strategies to fund these activities in the context of H2020 will be presented.

URL(s) for further info


Description of work

The different partners involve in the setup, operation and user support of the DIRAC 4 EGI initiative will meet and prepare a common strategy to ensure the long term viability of their vision.
This will result in a number of meetings and actions that will be reported.

Wider impact and conclusions

H2020 proposal for the long term operation of the service and the incorporation of users and communities from all scientific fields and beyond.

Primary author

Dr Ricardo Graciani Diaz (University of Barcelona)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.