Poster number |
Poster title |
First authors |
1 |
Non commutative simulations on GRID |
Bernardino Spisso |
2 |
SAGrid-2.0 |
Bruce Becker |
3 |
The Grid Observatory 3.0 - Towards reproducible research and open collaborations using semantic technologies |
Julien Nauroy |
4 |
An OpenStack based IaaS installation for providing high quality services for scientific applications in the contest of EGI federated cloud task force |
Giacinto Donvito |
5 |
ATLAS Event Index prototype for cataloguing large amounts of data |
Alvaro Fernandez |
6 |
Efficient Management of an OpenStack Cloud Infrastructure Through Multiobjective Programming |
Miguel Angel Diaz |
7 |
Introducing rOCCI-server and the rOCCI Framework |
Zdenek Sustr |
8 |
CosmoHUB: database and web solution for access and distribution of cosmological catalogs |
Roger Firpo |
9 |
Grid- and Cloud-based Model for Evaluation of Simulated Annealing Method for Distributed Software Engineering |
Vaidas Giedrimas |
10 |
Software compatibility check framework for grid computing elements |
Juan Luis Font |
11 |
The EGI-DRIHM collaboration: how the european Grid and Cloud infrastructures can support Hydro-Meteorology Research |
Daniele D'Agostino |
12 |
From DIRAC towards an Open Source Distributed Data Processing Solution |
Ricardo Graciani Diaz |
13 |
Experience in building heterogeneous cloud/grid infrastructure in BITP data centre |
Oksana Shadura |