ELIXIR Competence Centre kick-off meeting (teleconference)

This is the kick-off meeting of the ELIXIR Competence Centre of the EGI-Engage project. Details about the Competence Centre: https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/CC-ELIXIR Agenda: - Overview of tasks (Tommi/Kimmo) - Report about recent work on ELIXIR Compute Platform and Data replication use case (Gergely/Steven) - Use cases for the CC (Discussion) - Upcoming events - contributions from the CC (Discussion) * EGI Forum in Bari * EGI booth at the BioMedBridges Symposium at EBI The meeting will be hosted in the EGI Webex system. Connection info: Connection link: https://egi.webex.com/egi/j.php?MTID=m4707327886993f4bd5cdbe9de7ea8b34 Meeting password: elixir
The agenda of this meeting is empty