9:00: Welcome
9:10: Appointment of a Chair for the meeting
The remainder of the meeting will be chaired by the selected Chair.
9:30: Confirmation of one partner one vote for decision making
9.45: Decision to include additional partners in the Consortium
* Romania
* Azerbaijan
* Unfunded Asia Pacific parters as individual organisations as opposed
to through APGI as stated in the proposal
10:00 Discussion as to have the EGI Council act as the Collaboration
Board for the project.
* Obligation for funded partners to be members of EGI.eu in draft
collaboration agreement
* EGI Council may expand over the years to include partners not in the
project (currently only Belgium)
--> Vote to make a decision
10:30 Discussion as to have the EGI.eu Executive Board act as the
Project Management Board for the project.
* Possible conflicts of interest between the project partners and running EGI.eu
* Representation of partners in the project by the EB
11:00 Issues from the Collaboration Agreement
* Discussion and resolution of any outstanding issues
11:20 Partner readiness
* Which partners will be able to start 1st May 2010 even if the
contract is not signed?
11:40 AOB
12:00 Close