HBP demo on EGI infrastruture



Matthew Viljoen (EGI.eu)
Write-up of the second EGI/HBP teleconference between  Catherine Zwahlen,
Lukasz Dutka and myself today, regarding trialling EGI infrastructure by
HBP via a demo of hosting a sample dataset and visualization application
running on EGI infrastructure

- LD confirmed that an account for transferring the sample HBP data
  had been setup at INFN and was ready to receive data over sftp.  1TB of
  free space means that all sample data (1GB,100GB and 500GB) may be
  transferred.  Once transferred, we (EGI) will manually replicate the
  data (or portions of it) to the other sites on the HPB testbed. 
->CZ to send Lukasz the public ssh keys of herself (or whoever is transferring the data)

- CZ reported that there were some ongoing problems over the Docker
  file configuration which HBP are still working to fix.  This is high
  priority and Catherine hopes that this work will finish by the end of
  this week.

- MV asked whether POSIX via a local mount point is the only way
  planned for data access by the visualization software.  Catherine
  replied that this was for the prototype and agreed with MV/LD that this
  is not a scalable solution and we should examine other technologies
  (e.g. CDMI) to do this.  The HBP event in Bari could be a suitable place
  to discuss this

DONM: Tue 27 Oct at 10:30
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