ELIXIR CC Monthly meeting (teleconference)



Agenda 1. ELIXIR VO (Enol) 2. EINFRA12 Calls 3. Use case status reports 4. Coming events

ELIXIR - CC Monthly Meeting

Agenda / MInutes

25.1. 2017


Dario Vianello 
Steven Newhouse 
Kimmo Mattila 
Miloslav Ruda 
Ludek Matyska 
Fotis Psomopoulos
Mohammed Berdi 
Tommi Nyronen 
Enol Fernandez




1. ELIXIR VO: Infrastructure status and user guide (Enol)

ELIXIR VO is working and the first version of instructions is available on:


  • VO Members can get a proxy from CILogon and Elixir identity. Next step is to add the VOMS extension to the proxy.
  • Process is working with CESNET and EBI (EGI Keystone VOMS). Usage in GRNET under testing. Solution for CSC and SURFSara, that are not yet in Federated Cloud, need to be assessed separately.
  • Terraform utilization is working with CESNET and GRNET. EBI needs fixing.
  • Direct Terraform connection to OpenStack with token based authentication will be tested too.
  • At the moment the authentication in Terraform is done with X.509 certificates or OpenID. SAML authentication is not working the moment. More information about Terraform:https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/ELIXIR_Virtual_Organisation#Terraform_orchestrator
  • GGUS support will be added soon

2. EINFRA12 Calls 

  • Thematic Service call for community specific services for EINFRA12 is open. Proposals by the end of February 27th.
  • https://www.egi.eu/news/open-call-for-thematic-services-to-support-open-research/
  • Steven Newhouse is preparing applications on behalf of ELIXIR and EMBL
  • Kimmo Mattila is preparing application at CSC
  • Competence Center call coming in the near future. (For piloting and integration services)


3. Use case status reports


3.1  cBioPortal replication

  • no news

3.2  Marine metagenomics

  • testing in OpenStack. (Technical problems due version updates).

3.3  Insyght Comparative Genomics (Mohamed)

  • Insyght will use several VM:s similtaneously and a shared space is neede from EGI for contextualization of VMs
  • - At the moment the setup is managed manually with OpenStack scripts.
  • - Enol will contact AppDB developers to check if EGI AppDB Dashboard can be used here

3.4 PhenoMeNal project (Dario Vianello)

  • PenoMeNal is going to have a release by the end of February.
  • Users can login in cloud portal with ELIXIR account and user the VRE.

3.5  JetStream interoperability (Robert Quick)

  • Enol: A meeting with JetStream people was held on February 24th.
    VM catalogues sharing was discussed
  • Importing a VM from ELIXIR VO to JetStream will be tested
  • Integration user guide was requested
  • Galaxy support was discussed. In use in JetStream.


4. Coming events


5. Other issues

Check and fill the ELICIR CC row in EGI-Engage: Catalogue of project results and exploitation plan document buy February 6th,


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