Webinar: How to engage SMEs for NGIs




"How to Engage SMEs for NGIs"

This 1-hour webinar will provide attendants with an outline of the EGI framework for private sector engagement including the services offered, participation mechanisms, strategies and success stories that could be used by all national e-infrastructure providers.

EGI has a long-standing commitment to sharing the benefits of e-infrastructure technology and services with industry, especially SMEs, which are considered one of the key drivers for economic growth, innovation, and employment. The European Commission has made them one of the focuses in the Horizon 2020 with the aim of putting SMEs in the lead for the delivery of innovation to the market. EGI supports this policy objective through an established Business Engagement Programme for developing relationships with the private sector and bringing them into the EGI ecosystem to create mutual value.

Companies can identify their own business opportunities, advertise their services, and/or conduct R&D activities in collaboration with the public research sector using the capabilities that EGI makes available for them.

One of the objectives of EGI-Engage, an EC-funded project that supports the expansion of EGI as the largest multidisciplinary public computing, storage and data infrastructure, was to create a model for SME engagement that would not only be put in practice, but could be adopted and adapted for a wider number of national e-infrastructure providers/resource centres as well.

This will be the key focus of the webinar.

Webinar details:

Date & time: Wed 31 May 2017,  15:00 – 16:00 (CEST)

Organiser: The EGI Foundation

Webinar link (WebEx)

Password: Business

Global call-in numbers

    • 15:00 15:40
      Webinar Presentation: How to Engage SMEs for NGIs 40m
      Speaker: Sy Holsinger (EGI.eu)
    • 15:40 16:00
      Q&A 20m