ERF Data Working Group Kick-Off



This is the first meeting to kick-off the activities of ERF Data WG's.

The main discussion topics include:

1. Confirmation of the Membership

Current contact information can be found at

2. Agree on Group Term of Reference

  • Objectives
  • Group outputs
  • Group appointments
  • Frequent meeting time

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Testing of the connection 

Participates:  13 representatives from 10 Organisations

Yannick Legre, Yin Chen (EGI)

Florain Berberich, (Prace)

Angela Zennaro, (CERIC-ERIC)

Ian Collier, Brain Matthews, (STFC)

Daniela Stozno (Laserlab_Europe)

Florian Gliksohn (ERF, executive secretay)

Gagey Brigitte (SOLEIL)

Krell Ute (DESY)

Mann Gerd, Stephan Janssen (PSI)

Roberto Pugliese (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)

Appology: Carlo Rizzuto (ELI-Laser), Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY), Sibel Yaser (DESY), Antje Vollmer (HZB), Caterina Biscari (ALBA)

Round Table Introduction: The meeting started with a round table introduction. Majority of the participants work as institutional level director/head of IT system or data expert, showing common interests in data policy, open data areas. They also confirm the membership of serving the Group.

Confirmation on Membership

  • 10 organisations confirmed membership: EGI, PRACE, Laserlab-Europe, PSI, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, SOLEIL, DESY, MAX IV Lab, STFC, CERIC-ERIC
  • 4 organisations express interests and request to follow up: ELI-LASER, HZB, HZDR, ALBA

Background of the Group establishment:  

Yannick opened up the kick-off and gave a brief introduction of the purpose of the meeting. He apologised to leave for a conference. Florian B. explained background of the Group establishment: ERF is the Association of European-level Research Facilities (, it currently gather lots of the European synchrotrons, light facilities and several ERICs ( At the beginning EGI and PRACE met together and identified common interests on data areas, then they decided to create this working group. The main purpose is to gather community requirements and best practices for data acquisition, preservation and processing etc. and provide recommendation for ERF community and beyond. 

Agreement on Group ToR

There are has been several discussion points:

1) Objectives of the Group. Gerd pointe that works on data policy exists, such as Pan-data ( ), LEAPS:, and we should avoid duplication of the efforts. Angela and Roberto comments that work of pan-data is in very high level not (easily) applicable to practices. Brain has been involved in that work he pointed out those work provide generic template etc not fit for special requirements. The Group agreed to look at existing works to have good knowledge of related approaches/models/findings, also develop an understanding of ERF community requirements, then identify areas we should focus on. 

2) Frequency of meeting. Gerd pointed it out this is related to the time line for delivering the work. Florian B. gave a rough 2 years to deliver 3 outputs specified in the ToR. The Group askes the Chairs to provide a working plan with milestones. 

3) Gerd asked about the authority of the Group (Section 2) in particular given that not all members of ERF will be taking part. Florian G. (Executive Secretary of ERF) responds that membership in the Working Group is based upon voluntary participation. Of course, everything should be done to try to promote the involvement of a large number of ERF members since one of the objectives is to identify the data requirements of the Association's members. The General Assembly approved the establishment of the working group and the draft version of its ToR. The Group has now full power and support to work within that framework. The WG Chair and Vice-chair are expected to act as a liaison between the WG and the General Assembly and report to the latter on the outcomes of the work.

In conclusion, the Group has approved the ToR in general. In the next step, the Group should scope the investigation, identify focus areas. A Group working plan should be in place, describing practical objectives to be implemented and details of outputs, e.g. a set of recommandations / policies, and/or a data management plan template, and achievable milestone should be specified (e.g., 2 ERF General Assembly each year, next one in Nov/Dec 2017).

Following-up Actions:

# What Who By When
1 Provide information reference to related work, etc. LEAPS, Pan-data etc. Thanks to Darren provided information immediately after the meeting: LEAPS:  DONE
2 Draft a Group working plan Yannick/Yin, Florian a.s.a.p.
3 Finalise the contacts list and check members expertise area  Yin 30 Jul
4 Register to the Group mailing list All member a.s.a.p.



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