30 November 2017 to 1 December 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science

FIM4R and DI4R

1 Dec 2017, 11:25
211 & 212 (The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre)

211 & 212

The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre

Lightning talks Lightning Talks


Mr Peter Gietz (DAASI INternational / DARIAH)


Federated Identity Management is seen as a vital component for research infrastructures. Excellent technology exists as eduGAIN provides an Interfederation that makes the single national research federations interoperable, i.e. a researcher from country X can access a Service from country Y, via her own campus account. In practice there are a number of yet unfulfilled requirements of the research infrastructures. FIM4R, a group of research infrastructures that meet regularly since 2011, has converged on a common vision for FIM, enumerated a set of requirements and proposed a number of recommendations for ensuring a roadmap for the uptake of FIM is achieved. A second version of a paper documenting these is currently being worked on. The lightning talk wants to make other research infrastructures aware of this work and provoke new input from them.
Topic Area Security, trust and identity
Type of abstract Lightning Talk (5 minutes)

Primary author

Mr Peter Gietz (DAASI INternational / DARIAH)


David Groep (NIKHEF) Mr David Kelsey (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) Hannah Short (CERN)

Presentation materials