Pedro Principe
(University of Minho)
The OpenAIRE content provider dashboard is a one-stop shop supporting content providers at registering their sources to OpenAIRE (journal platforms, data repository, institutional repository, etc.) to make their metadata visible via the OpenAIRE portal. Among its functionalities, the dashboard offers validation of compliance to OpenAIRE guidelines, aggregated usage statistics for articles and repository, and enrichment of source content via subscription and notification mechanisms.
The talk will provide details on the Dashboard functionalities, of the interoperability services offered through it and the benefits it brings to a number of stakeholders.
After a repository is registered and compliant with the OpenAIRE interoperability guidelines, the dashboard applies (through the OpenAIRE information graph) cleaning, transformation, and disambiguation processes, and identifies relationships among all research entities available in OpenAIRE, such as publications, data, funding, researchers, organisations, and data sources. Using all these data, OpenAIRE populates, enriches, and maintains a graph of the aggregated objects. Through infrastructure services, the objects are harmonized to achieve semantic homogeneity, de-duplicated to avoid ambiguities, and enriched with missing properties and/or relationships. OpenAIRE content providers interested in enhancing or incrementing their content benefit from this service in a number of ways, as it provides information that is not otherwise readily available to them. Moreover, the dashboard offers statistics and metrics on the contents, which can be integrated with download counts from the local repositories using a plugin specifically developed to facilitate the integration with OpenAIRE (available on EPrints and DSpace).
Through the Dashboard, the OpenAIRE Literature Broker Service is made available, offering content providers subscription and notification functionalities for events happening around their collections. In fact, by exploiting the provenance information tracked by the OpenAIRE infrastructure, it will be possible to subscribe to "enrichment" events and be notified whenever OpenAIRE enriches a publication metadata record with new properties (subjects, citation list, research initiatives) or new relationships to other projects or datasets. By enhancing records with relationships and analyzing the information space graph, the service will also be able to notify repository managers about "addition" events whenever a publication metadata record relevant for their repository is aggregated from another data source.
Topic Area | Interoperability |
Type of abstract | Lightning Talk (5 minutes) |
Primary author
Paolo Manghi
Ilaria Fava
(Göttingen State and University Library)
Pedro Principe
(University of Minho)