30 November 2017 to 1 December 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science

Sensitive data services and their integration with European e-infrastructures

1 Dec 2017, 11:30
Copper Room (The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre)

Copper Room

The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre


Mr Antti Pursula (CSC)


Nowadays data are collected and stored in unprecedented ways, thus enabling new research opportunities and novel innovations based on data mining and data aggregation. However, in fields such as medical, social and environmental sciences research often includes personal or sensitive data that must be handled with consideration for the personal privacy. Many projects have developed legally compliant solutions to deal with using sensitive data for research and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now setting the stage for accessing, sharing and processing of sensitive personal data in Europe. Several strategies have been adopted locally to comply with national privacy regulations. But there is still the need to implement policies and the corresponding technologies that effectively allow cross border, inter-disciplinary research on personal sensitive data. The ePouta cloud from CSC Finland, and the TSD system from USIT Norway are operational services that provide secure computing and data environments for sensitive data. These services are being used nationally and regionally by researchers in collecting, storing and processing of sensitive data. They are operated by EUDAT partners and plans for their integration to European e-infrastructures are being prepared by matching them with community pilot cases. Both of the services are also included in the upcoming EOSC-hub portfolio. TSD and ePouta represent complementary resources and thus they offer wide potential for integration to the European e-Infrastructures through the EUDAT and EOSC service portfolios. TSD and ePouta are based on the concepts of Platform-as-a-Service and Infrastructure-as-a-Service, respectively. CSC ePouta delivers a secure cloud infrastructure with powerful computing and data storage connected to the network at the user community domains. The TSD offers storage capability, computing infrastructure, analysis / visualization platforms and web-based data collection tools suitable for running complex research projects within an efficient and secure IT-infrastructure. Work towards connecting TSD and ePouta with a secure connection is underway and will provide an example of cross-border use of such infrastructures.

Primary authors

Mr Antti Pursula (CSC) Maria Iozzi (UIO)

Presentation materials