Giuseppe Fiameni
(CINECA - Consorzio Interuniversitario)
The goal of this proposal is to present the collaboration activity between two major European Infrastructures, EUDAT, the European Collaborative Data Infrastructure, and PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, to support communities into the management of data sets resulting from scientific simulation.
The EUDAT infrastructure initiative is a consortium of several major European data & compute centers and research community centers and organizations that are working towards the development and realisation of the Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) which provides an interoperable layer of common data services and a common model for managing data spanning all European research data centres and data repositories to create a single European data infrastructure.
PRACE – the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe – research infrastructure enables high impact European scientific discovery and engineering research and development across all disciplines to enhance European competitiveness for the benefit of society. PRACE seeks to realize this mission through world class computing and data management resources and services open to all European public research through a peer review process. The broad participation of European governments through representative organizations allows PRACE to provide a diversity of resources throughout Europe including expertise for the effective use of these resources.
The capability to couple data and compute resources together is considered relevant to accelerate scientific innovation and advance research frontiers. In ever growing scientific and industrial domains, the use of large-scale instruments (synchrotron, telescopes, satellites, sequencers, network of sensors, scanners), supercomputers and open data archives is leading towards the convergence among HPC, High throughput Computing, Networks and Data Management facilities. The aim of this collaboration is to implement the vision where supercomputing and data resources of any kind and size are accessible without technical barriers and produced data are managed in a profitable way. It aims at connecting experts, and representatives from scientific user communities, exploring ways in which such e-Infrastructures can develop synergically and provide compound services. The joint activity covers different aspects, including the standardization of service interfaces, the harmonisation of access policies, the lowering of technical barriers, the joint support of users, and the coordination of joint training activities. The presentation will report about the status of the collaboration, results achieved so far, and available opportunities for the users to participate.
Primary authors
Giovanni Morelli
Lilit Axner