30 November 2017 to 1 December 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science

CODATA/RDA Research Data Science Schools for Low and Middle Income Countries

30 Nov 2017, 11:00
214 & 216 (The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre)

214 & 216

The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre


Rob Quick (IU (OSG))


The ever-increasing volume and variety of data being generated impacts academia and the private sector. Contemporary research and evidence-based decision making cannot be done effectively without a range of data-related skills, such as, but not limited to, the principles and practice of Open Science, research data management and curation, data platforms and infrastructures implementation, data analysis, statistics, visualisation and modeling techniques, software development, and annotation. We define ‘Research Data Science’ as the ensemble of these skills. While the international, collective ability to create, share, and analyze vast quantities of data is profound, there remains a shortage of individuals skilled in Research Data Science worldwide, which limits this transformative effect. With the appropriate data training however, the 'Data Revolution' offers great opportunities for students and professionals with modern data skills, such as when entering a job market where these skills are in demand or conducting research. The CODATA-RDA School for Research Data Science brings these concepts and tools to communities that may not have been introduced to the wide range of open resources currently available. This two week course builds core data science skills and introduces open tools and resources for researchers. We will introduce the foundational schools that will take place this year in Trieste, Italy and Sao Paulo, Brazil to encourage participation from communities worldwide. We will also discuss the framework of course materials and structure that allows regional instances of the School for Research Data Science, as well as touching on future sustainability models. The CODATA/RDA Schools for Research Data Science has partnered with EGI and EUDAT for curriculum, student, and instructor support.
Topic Area Data science and skills
Type of abstract Presentation (15 minutes)

Primary author

Rob Quick (IU (OSG))


Hugh Shanahan (Royal Holloway) Sarah Jones (Digital Curation Center) Dr Simon Hodson (CODATA)

Presentation materials