30 November 2017 to 1 December 2017
The Square Meeting Centre
Europe/Brussels timezone
Connecting the building blocks for Open Science

BEXIS 2 – more than a data management system for the biodiversity domain

1 Dec 2017, 11:35
211 & 212 (The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre)

211 & 212

The Square, Brussels Meeting Centre

Lightning talks Lightning Talks


Markus Baaske


In this presentation, we will demonstrate BEXIS 2, a modular, scalable, interoperable, free and open source system supporting research teams of several hundred researchers on all aspects of data life cycle management. The general idea is to support researchers as early as possible within the active phase of a project (e.g. dataset design, workflow documentation), but also provide or incorporate services for data preservation and publication (e.g. GFBio.org, Pensoft Biodiversity Data Journal). The software is being developed based on requirements from the biodiversity and ecology domain that mostly deal with tabular data, but it can be easily configured to serve other domains and data types as well. For tabular data, there are dedicated features to manage, share and re-use data structures, variables, units of measures, and data types. BEXIS 2 is very flexible and can be instantiated with multiple tenants, multiple metadata schemas, and various database systems. Other advanced features are a faceted search (incl. primary data), a customizable data download and export (i.e., filter, sort, select, views), direct data access via API’s (e.g., from R), a highly flexible authentication and authorization system (incl. single sign-on), and dataset versioning. BEXIS 2 will be compliant with the FAIR data principles soon and we are exploring ways to offer BEXIS 2 as a hosted service.
Topic Area The EOSC & EDI building blocks
Type of abstract Lightning Talk (5 minutes)

Primary author

Roman Gerlach (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)


Prof. Birgitta Koenig-Ries (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)

Presentation materials

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