Interoperability presentations
- Gergely Sipos (
Maria Eskevich
30/11/2017, 11:00
We present the joint work by Europeana (, a European cultural heritage (CH) infrastructure, with CLARIN (, a European research infrastructure, to make promptly available for research use the vast data resources that Europeana has aggregated in the past years.
Europeana provides access to digitised cultural resources from a wide range of...
Angela Schäfer
(Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research)
30/11/2017, 11:15
The Alfred Wegener Institute coordinates German polar research and is one of the most productive polar research institutions worldwide with scientists working in both Polar Regions – a task that can only be successful with the help of excellent infrastructure and logistics. Conducting research in the Arctic and Antarctic requires research stations staffed throughout the year as the basis for...
Roxanne Wyns
(KU Leuven - LIBIS)
30/11/2017, 11:30
There is an increased use of digital resources in humanities research and the expectations towards accessibility are high. Researchers want their material to be available faster, in higher resolution and multiple formats. They want tools for swift deep-zooming on the artworks and manuscripts, for browsing through complex objects in a heartbeat, and for comparing multiple image-based resources...
Yann Le Franc
(e-Science Data Factory)
30/11/2017, 11:45
The objective of producing FAIR scientific data (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) is increasingly supported by the use of domain specific ontologies and thesauri. Generalizing this approach to all scientific domains and building the necessary multi-disciplinary semantic tools and services will require finding and reusing multi-disciplinary semantic resources. These resources are...
Friedrich Summann
(Bielefeld University Library)
30/11/2017, 12:00
Starting as a library-orientated search engine around 2004 BASE has integrated many new open services and issues upcoming in the academic information network. Very soon the application switched from ingesting database contents to collecting scientific metadata via the OAI-PMH protocol. The open access movement represented and supported by institutional repositories driven by numerous...