National initiatives
- Tiziana Ferrari (
- Pedro Principe (University of Minho)
The session will showcase how national digital service providers supporting research and open science, are strategically getting organized nationally to increase cross-coordination, strategy making and sustainability.
Purpose of the session is share information and best practices about:
- governance of national digital research infrastructures and their funding models,
- roadmaps and national policy agendas for open science and the infrastructures serving the different components of open science
During the session pathways to increase the availability of digital resources and services for researchers and Open Science in Europe and beyond will be discussed.
Donatella Castelli
(Consiglio Nazionele delle Ricerche (CNR) - ISTI)
30/11/2017, 11:00
Portuguese roadmap for research infrastructures and the Open Science national policy initiative
João Mendes Moreira,
Paulo Soares
30/11/2017, 11:30
Mojca Kotar
(University of Ljubljana)
30/11/2017, 11:45