ERF Data Working Group Meeting

Europe/Amsterdam (Teleconference)



Discussion Topics:

  1.  Comments and agreement on Group work plan:
  2. Comments and agreement on requirement template: 

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ERF Data WG wiki -- requirement database
ERF Data WG work plan
Requirement Template

Participates: 12 representatives from 9 organisations 

Matthew Vijoen, Yin Chen (EGI)

Angela Zennaro, Matthias Girod (CERIC-ERIC)

Brain Matthews (STFC)

Darren Spruce (MAX IV)

Mann Gerd, Stefan Janssen (PSI)

Nils Schmeisser (HZDR)

Sible Yaser (DESY)

Brigitte Gagey (SOLEIL)

Roberto Pugliese (Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste)

Appology:  Yannick Legre(EGI), Florain Berberich (Prace), Florian Gliksohn (ERF, executive secretay)


  • Group working plan: the Group in general approved the working plan ( ) and agreed to work accordingly. 
  • Requirement template: the Group in general approved the requirement template. Thanks to Stefan and Gerd from PSI, Jürgen from FRM II, who have test the template by providing their communities’ information. There are some suggestions from Nils, and Gerd pointed to questionnaires on Data management plan designed by Swiss National Science Foundation. Yin will integrate these comments and update the template. Then, Yin will inform all ERF members to start to provide their community information.
  • Review of related technology: the Group approve the technology review template Each ERF member will provide information on related technology
  • Timeline:  we expect to finish the information collection task by 31 Oct
  • Next meeting will be around the end of Oct. Doodle will be set up
  • Updates from each party:
    • (Darren) MAX IV has successfully obtained funding for future development.  Data handled in his community is highly distributed across universities, institutions, no centralised archives. They don't manage whole life cycle of data. In future may consider Cloud resources.
    • There has been a strong interest in developing project poposal from the Group outcomes. The Group agreed to share information on suitable EU calls. 

Next step

  What Who By When
1 update requirement template Yin 6 Oct
2 provide community requirement information ERF member institutions 31 Oct
3 provide related technology, standards  ERF member institutions 31 Oct
4 Doodle meeting toward the end of Oct Yin 31 Oct


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