EOSC-hub-OpenAIRE-Advance webinar-meetup for national stakeholders
This webinar-meetup aims to introduce the EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE-Advance national networks to each other with the goal to strengthen national collaborations.
The EOSC-hub and OpenAIRE-Advance projects join forces to increase the speed, quality and openness of science and to jointly work towards the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The projects align and integrate their service portfolios to reach an integrated offering of technical services complemented with training, consultancy and support events. EOSC-hub involves national e-infrastructure nodes, the NGIs (national e-infrastructures from EGI). OpenAIRE-Advance involves national entities too, the National Open Access Desks (NOADs) network. As both NGIs and NOADs are expected to strengthen the projects when it comes to support and training, we think it's important that both expert networks get to know each other and each others' projects. This common understanding will lead us towards aligned national activities and stronger national presence in EOSC.
This meeting is the kickstart of this process. During the meet-up we'll introduce both projects, and then give opportunity for the volunteer participants to talk a bit about their personal experiences and activities as NGI/NOAD.
The meetup will also include a short introduction to the newly established Research Data Alliance (RDA) Europe nodes. RDA nodes engage data communities, support national agendas, and aim to increase the uptake of standards and participation in RDA globally. A common understanding between the national networks will lead us towards aligned national activities and stronger national presence in EOSC.
Preliminary agenda:
- Welcome - Najla Rettberg
- Collaboration Intro – Gergely Sipos
- EOSC-hub and the NGIs introduction – Gergely Sipos
- OpenAIRE and NOADs introduction – Najla Rettberg
- Flash Talks:
* NOAD, Austria – Olivia Kaiser
* NOAD, Croatia – Alen Vodopijevec
* NGI, France - Genevieve Romier
* NGI, Belgium - Stephane Gerard
- RDA Europe – Sarah Jones, Daniel Bangert
- Q&A Discussion of Next Steps
Further information about the projects:
- http://eosc-hub.eu
- https://www.openaire.eu/advance
Further information about the national networks:
- NGIs: https://www.egi.eu/about/egi-council/ https://wiki.egi.eu/wiki/NGI_International_Liaison
- NOADs: https://www.openaire.eu/contact-noads
Connection information:
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