Meeting agenda page and material:
8.1 ELIXIR - Susheel
8.2 Fusion - Shaun
8.3 Marine - No representative was present
8.4 EISCAT_3D - Carl-Fredrik
8.5 EPOS-ORFEUS - No representative was present
8.6 Radio astronomy - Rob van der Meer
8.7 ICOS - No representative was present
8.8 Disaster mitigation plus - Eric Yen Gergely (WP8), Diego (WP10), Enol (WP5)
INFN: Giacinto Donvito (WP10)
Round-table reports from CCs:
ELIXIR (8.1):
Started recently monthly telcos, Gergely is invited for future calls
2 new hires at EBI
Two lines of work:
RDSDS: outlined a list of capabilities that can feed into a central EOSC FTS - Will share with Gergely ASAP
Alignment of attributes for AuthZ between Check-in and ELIXIR
Comment on data transfer from Giacinto:
The XDC INFRAEOSC21 project is experimenting with RUCIO. RUCIO is a higher level service than FTS.
Can it be helpful for ELIXIR? And other EOSC-hub communities? → ACTION: Gergely and Giacinto to discuss this further
Fusion (8.2)
Bi-weekly meetings in the last 2.5 month
Data management
CEA and POZNAN testing with OneData
ITER integrated modelling suite is already containerised
Work ongoing to apply this to iMath and MAST suites
Building workflows: with Kepler for iMath, with scripts for MAST
EISCAT3D (8.4):
New CRNS DIRAC person will start in August. His first task will be Check-in integration with DIRAC
CSC cloud offer is still not finalised → ACTION: Gergely to check with Yin and Ari
LOFAR (8.6):
Work so far was mainly done now in EOSCPilot SD
Shifting the focus now to EOSC-hub. F2F planned in Aug/Sep with the 3 partners to plan the upcoming developments.
Overall timeline of the CC: Integration: in PY2; Operation of services: in PY3
Main topics: AAI (using Comanage) and workflows implementations
Comment from Shaun: Fusion-CC seems to have lot of similar requirements, try to organise a meeting to discuss after summer. Shaun was invited to attend the next RACC meeting (doodle is open now)
DMCC (8.8):
Case studies:
Input collection happened from 8 events from 5 countries; Selection of a subset is ongoing, expected in Sept.
Simulation portal to be available by Dec 2018
Training events: To be held in 4 countries in next 24 months
Supported by a sister project
EU-ND (Deeper understanding of natural disasters) project was approved by Asia-Connect DG. DMCC members plus Bangladesh and Myanmar
Just started for 2 year
Recently had a telco with DRIHM, DMCC asked them to host a portal in Asia
They cannot without financial support
2 papers submitted (Storm Surge and Educational aspect)
CESNET leads the setup of a test-bed to see how compatible are the regional infra services with EOSC-hub. Focus on AAI and federated cloud (TBC)
Report by Gergely from the project (See Gergely’s slides on the agenda page):
1. (Slide 5) Requirements (gaps in current EOSC-hub services or service capabilities):
We will start engaging with the WP10 process and tools to capture user stories and extract formal requirements that can be picked up by WP4-5-6.
Write user stories into Requirements DB:
User stories (informal description of a system from the user perspective)
Use cases (list of actions and interactions by ‘roles’)
Derive requirements from these and record them in Jira:
ACTION: All CCs can start testing and using these. Gergely will regularly check progress.
ELIXIR is suggested to be the first in focus.
2. (Slide 10) How to federate and represent data in EOSC? Brainstorming and round-table discussion:
RIs provide (will provide) their own metadata standard and APIs to access their data (incl. Data IDs)
EOSC should survey and align these metadata and APIs across communities, and define a minimum standard
A survey for CCs (and others) could cover the following topics:
Dataset Identifiers used
Minimal Metadata speci
Minimal discovery service API
Access conditions
Supported Access protocols
It’s suggested for EOSC-hub to check the EOSCpilot EDMI guidelines: - Is this suitable to represent data in EOSC-hub? → ACTION on Gergely to pass this info to the data task
The EOSC marketplace/catalogues and EOSC compute/storage sites can pull/import/federate data from RIs based on this minimum standard.
Higher level features (such as browsing, faceted search, etc.) can be developed on top of this in the Marketplace and elsewhere.
In Fusion each site has it’s own data standard and access protocol. We are planning a project to map/harmonise/align these.
We work on a data portal through which users can access data at fusion sites. We plan to use ontology mapping because sites cannot change their metadata which was collected/generated in the past decades.
There is still concern about Open Data in this community. (Shaun will investigate this more from recent Board meeting)
Having provenance data about the data is important for this community.
Data access is approved at the hosting site. This is not expected to change with EOSC(-hub).
Data is large, download is impossible. In the CC we work on a system that would feed data directly into compute sites, users can browse and interact/analyse the data remotely.
Large, raw data - Similarly to EISCAT our data must be staged directly to compute centres. We work on this in the CC.
We work also on an ASTRON data portal, using minimal metadata (so different approach than in Fusion).
We try to use the International Virtual Observatory schema, but there are differences. (e.g. direction in the sky is irrelevant for radio astronomy data)
We are a bit different from the other CCs, because our observations are ‘disaster event-driven’: For a chosen event we need to collect and analyse relevant data that are typically coming from authorities of several countries.
In the CC we will work on a few disaster events, and will share our experiences with others, so they can follow the same approach.
At the same time we will want to make the data we used Open Access in EOSC - How this is possible depends on the access and sharing conditions defined by the data owners (i.e. authorities.)
3. (Slide 11) EOSC Portal launch event:
EOSC-hub is preparing with the Marketplace and with a few demos. Are you interested to demonstrate your CC services/prototypes? Pls get in touch with Gergely. See list of currently considered demos on the slide.
4. (Slide 12) Upcoming events:
DI4R programme will be published by July 23
A few RI events are coming up
Don’t forget to add your communities’ events to
WP3 can provide posters, leaflets and other communication material for you to promote EOSC-hub at your community events. Email Sara Garavelli, Sara Coelho.
5. Next WP8 CC coordinators meeting:
Target mid-September. Gergely to open a doodle after the summer break.