Integration Plan Meeting

WP6, WP7, WP8, WP10 WP6 has to prepare a plan to integrate EGI/EUDAT/INDIGO services to satisfy the needs of several user communities (M6.2) In past projects (EGI-Engage, EUDAT2020, Indigo DataCloud), we already worked on this topic and we already identified several integration scenarios that could be useful for prospective user communities (and we already implemented some of them, at least partially). In addition, WP7 and WP8 already identified some possible integration scenarios of interest for their communities. Agenda: - Integration scenarios identified in past projects: EGI-Engage, EUDAT2020 and INDIGO-DataCloud (input from Matthew, Enol, Johannes, Giacinto, etc.) - Thematic services (WP7): Joint usage of EGI/EUDAT/INDIGO services (Claudio) - Competence centers (WP8): Joint usage of EGI/EUDAT/INDIGO services (Gergely) - Open discussion to identify the most relevant cases that will drive the EOSC-hub integration plan (M6.2)
EGI-Engage D4.8 Cross-infrastructure case studies
EUDAT2020 D7.4 Final report on EUDAT/EGI use-cases
WP8 input
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