11:00 AM
NGI_CZ Operational Experience
Alexandr Mikula
11:15 AM
Boosting the CMS computing efficiency for data taking at higher luminosities
Leonardo Cristella
11:30 AM
DARE: Integrating solutions for Data-Intensive and Reproducible Science
Alessandro Spinuso
11:45 AM
A metadata repository (MDR) for clinical study objects
Sergei Goryanin
12:00 PM
VIP, Boutiques, CARMIN and Dirac to access distributed compute and storage resources
Axel Bonnet
12:15 PM
Using federated cloud computing services and tools to support ocean search and rescue: A use case of the Lagrangian Ocean Search Targets (LOST) application
Michael Hart-Davis
(Nelson Mandela University, Nansen-Tutu Centre for Marine Environmental Research)