19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

LGI Pilot Job Portal

20 Sept 2011, 15:00
Rhone 3 (Lyon Conference Centre)

Rhone 3

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


Jan Keijser (FOM)


The LGI Pilot Job portal is developed by BiG Grid, the Dutch NGI. This portal framework is based on the Leiden Grid Initiative framework, which offers a uniform access model to multiple heterogenenous resources, such as clusters, clouds, supercomputers and now also gLite based grid infrastructure. The LGI Pilot Job framework is a single-user pilot job framework, in which grid authentication is done using a robot hardware token. User authentication on the portal itself is done using plain (i.e. non-grid) X509 certificates or using username/password authentication. An extension to support TERENA using SimpleSAML is currently being developed. Several client interfaces are available, including command-line clients written in C++ and Python, as well as PHP and Java clients. An R-interface to the LGI Pilot Job framework is currently being tested.

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