19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Joint security training for system admins and alike

Not scheduled
1h 30m
Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


Aram VerstegenMr Daniel Kouril Eygene Ryabinkin Mingchao Ma (STFC) Oscar KoerooDr Pierrick MICOUT


The EGI CSIRT and the middleware security experts will join force again to provide security training for system adminsitrators and site managers. The training will forcus on two main areas: operational security and middleware security. The attendents are expected to walk away with some security best practise in areas such as incident response, forensic, vulnerabiltiy handling, securiyt monitoring with Pakiti etc. The middlware security will cover topics such as Glexec, Argus etc. 11:00 Advanced pakiti tutorial 11:30 SSC5 case study - Malware analysis 12:00 Using the security challenge framework

Presentation materials
