19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Towards an effective e-Infrastructures impact assessment

21 Sept 2011, 14:00
1h 30m
St Clair 4 (Lyon Conference Centre)

St Clair 4

Lyon Conference Centre


Mr Andrea Manieri (Engineering)Dr Fabiana Monacciani (Eurokleis)Dr antonella Passani (T6 ecosystems)


Impact assessment is the hot-topic in these months among every research initiative. Several support actions or studies, including the ERINA+, eNventory and – recently - RI-Impact, are working toward the development of an effective process allowing a sound assessment exercise and, at the same time, able to be easily adopted by projects partners as part of their day-by-day activities. One of the challenges related to impact assessment is how to link the performance of a single project to that of the related e-Infrastructure initiatives as a whole. How is the e-Infrastructures domain supporting the fulfilment of the knowledge society? What are the benefits of e-Infrastructures for researchers worldwide? How to evaluate the economic and social sustainability of e-Infrastructures projects? Answering these questions is the goal of the ERINA+ work during the next months and the initial results will be discussed publicly in the session proposed. As a virtual continuation of the session held during the Vilnius EGI User Forum in April 2011, this session is a step forward through which the ERINA+ team will show the improvements of the proposed impact assessment approach, its methodology, and the overall process. During the session the ERINA+ team will present the preliminary results of the domain mapping (e-Infrastructures vs projects), an analysis of e-Infrastructures specificities and the self-assessment methodology for e-Infrastructures projects which will be performed through the adoption of a web tool. The initial design of such web tool and the expected interaction model will be presented together with its main features. The session will be organised in two different moments: during the first one the ERINA+ project partners will give presentations on the topics described above, the second part will be dedicated to the gathering of the e-Infrastructures projects expectations towards the self-assessment web tool. This second session will be conducted using moderation techniques.

Required Facilities

projector and flipchart

Primary authors

Dr Fabiana Monacciani (Eurokleis) Prof. Francesco Bellini (Eurokleis) Dr antonella Passani (T6 ecosystems)


Mr Andrea Manieri (Engineering) Mrs Isabel Matranga (Engineering)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.