19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

e-FISCAL project workshop

21 Sept 2011, 11:00
1h 30m
Pasteur (300) (Lyon Conference Centre)

Pasteur (300)

Lyon Conference Centre


Fotis Karayannis (AUEB-RC)



The goal of the e-FISCAL project is to analyse the costs of the current European dedicated HTC and HPC computing e-Infrastructures for research, compare them with equivalent commercial leased or on-demand offerings and provide an evaluation report. The cost of the national computing e-Infrastructures will be analysed in relation to its components that correspond to the recurring operating costs (Opex – Operating expenditures) that will include the operation of the hardware and the human support necessary to successfully exploit the hardware (system administrators, user support, training, application porting, managers, etc.) and the cost related to the investments in infrastructure (Capex – Capital Expenditures). Other methods will complement this approach. Information will be collected mainly through questionnaires and interviews triggered by the e-FISCAL project workshop.

The e-FISCAL workshop aims to provide an introduction to the project and stimulate an initial discussion and feedback with regard to e-Fiscal draft questionnaire that will made available to the participants before the session. The session will start with a brief introduction from the Project director outlining the goals and the work-plan of the e-Fiscal project. The second presentation will review the state-of-the-art on costs and business models for e-Infrastructures. Finally, the third presentation will show a draft of the e-FISCAL questionnaire, followed by open discussion and feedback from the participants.

The target audience is EGI/NGI representatives, PRACE and HPC centers representatives and related financial experts including industrial representatives and financial experts from Cloud computing; nevertheless, anyone with genuine interest in financial matters for e-Infrastructures is welcome to participate in the session.

For the e-FISCAL representatives the workshop serves as an opportunity to directly engage with the community ensuring active participation from related stakeholders. For the participants – the workshop offers an opportunity to understand the scope of the project and the requirements needed to complete the e-Fiscal questionnaire in order to obtain quality data that will be used in further cost estimation and analysis. Participants will also have the chance to engage in a focused discussion in order to better evaluate the importance of the e-Fiscal project for improving the decision-making process in the expansion and changes in operations and technology application, evolution and sustainability planning of e-Infrastructures, introduction of business models and energy saving through green computing.


- Introduction to e-Fiscal Project (15')
- Setting the Scene for e-Infrastructures Cost Analysis and Sustainability Plans (15')
- Presenting the e-Fiscal Methodology and Draft Questionnaire (15')
- Open discussion stimulated by the methodology and questionnaire supported by a panel (45')

Required Facilities

Expected number of people: max 50

Duration (90min sessions) 1 session - 90'

Primary authors


Presentation materials