19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Towards Making Metadata Handling Much Easier with AMGA in EGI

19 Sept 2011, 16:00
1h 30m
St Clair 4 (Lyon Conference Centre)

St Clair 4

Lyon Conference Centre


Soonwook Hwang (EGI.EU)


AMGA has been around for more than 5 years as a gLite service to handle metadata on the Grid, and now become part of the EMI distribution intended to continue to support the metadata service requirements of the EGI user community. AMGA in the first place was designed and implemented to have in mind targeting the performance needs of the HEP community and the strict security requirements of the biomedical communities. AMGA has been used as a metadata service in many applications from different user communities. Among these applications are the Medical Data Manager (MDM) biomedical application developed by CNRS, the gLibrary (Digital Asset Management System for the Grid) developed by INFN, the GAP (Grid Application Platform) developed by ASGC and recently the data handling framework for Belle II experiment developed by KISTI. The latest AMGA developments support some new features like metadata federation and easy-to-use GUI client. The federation support allows AMGA users to populate metadata instances belonging to the same collection across multiple AMGA servers in cases where the metadata instances to be put in the same collection is too big to put in one AMGA server. The AMGA manager, an easy-to-use AMGA GUI client, aims at providing easier and more intuitive ways to have access to the AMGA metadata service than the traditional AMGA Command Line Interface (CLI) approach. The AMGA tutorial is dedicated to AMGA users who do not bother to put their hands a bit into the mud and would like to learn more about some easy-to-use features in metadata handling with the AMGA Manager. With both the AMGA CLI and the AMGA Manager, users will be instructed how to connect and interact with an AMGA server, define their own metadata collection and its schema, browse the collections and schemas, populate the collection with some entries and then make queries and browse the query results. Users will see how much easier and more convenient to handle and access metadata through the AMGA GUI client.

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