Charles Loomis
StratusLab develops and provides an open-source cloud distribution that allows data centers to expose their computing resources as an "Infrastructure as a Service" (IaaS) type cloud. Administrators can run their services over the cloud to improve availability, scalability, and maintainability of their grid and non-grid services. Virtual organizations and users can use the cloud to develop custom computing environments and domain-specific services. This tutorial presents the main features of the current StratusLab distribution. Using the project's reference cloud infrastructure, participants will see how those features can be used by system administrators and scientists. The tutorial concludes with a presentation of the project's development roadmap and schedule of future releases. Participants will be provided credentials for accessing the StratusLab reference cloud infrastructure.
Participants will learn about cloud technologies in general and will understand the distinction between Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) infrastructures. They will understand how infrastructures based on the StratusLab distribution can be integrated with the European Grid Infrastructure and how the cloud services complement grid services. Practical exercises will teach the participants how to launch virtual machines, customize their computing environment, share those customized environments with others, manage virtual disks, and define complete services.