19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

EGI Sustainability and Business Models

Not scheduled
1h 30m
Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.EU) Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)


Description Early this year, EGI.eu produced an EGI Sustainability Plan providing a comprehensive list of the wide range of services that EGI provides and outlined a taxonomy of potential business models in order to sustain these services for future discussion and exploration. The number of business models identified defines a variety of revenue streams. As a preliminary assessment, the defined business models started to be matched to the services provided. Within this context, the overall goal of the workshop is two-fold: first, outline EGI’s sustainability plan and provide a summary of current business models, implementations and sustainability plans from the community; second, will be an interactive, hands-on oriented discussion on business model to service mapping. The workshop will start by introducing the context of the discussion, followed by inviting mature NGIs to present their sustainability plans and experiences regarding the future implementation of business models within the context of EGI. Upon obtaining a key definition of the current plans and models, the second session will focus on mapping each of the services provided across the EGI ecosystem to a suitable business model or sustainable support structure. The workshop will be prepared based on a survey circulated prior to the event including access to related material in order for attendees to be active participants. The target audience is high-level decision makers from EGI participants and external partners; nevertheless, anyone with genuine interest in business models and sustainability of e-Infrastructures is welcome. Agenda Session 1: EGI Sustainability Plan (Steven Newhouse, 20') Open questions and discussion (10') NGI Rep 1: Sustainability Plans (TBD, 20') NGI Rep 2: Sustainability Plans (TBD, 20’') Roundtable discussion + panel clarifying open issues and concerns (20') Session 2: Intro to mapping exercise (Steven Newhouse, 15') Whiteboard mapping of business models to services (60’) Summary and closing discussion (15')
Duration (90min sessions) 2 sessions - 90min each

Primary authors


Presentation materials

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