Roberto Barbera
(University of Catania and INFN and COMETA)
INDICATE (www.indicate-project.eu) is a European Union FP7 project which aims to establish a network of common interest made up of experts and researchers in the field of e-Infrastructures and Digital Cultural Heritage. Through the network, the participants can share experience, promote standards and guidelines, and seek harmonisation of best practices and policies.
In this contribution we will present the INDICATE e-Culture Science Gateway that provides users with an easy-to-use web interface and a single sign-on beyond the home institute mechanism to access digital archives of Cultural Heritage data coming from Italy and China. The Gateway is based on Liferay for which a JSR 286 compliant portlet has been developed to interface the well known gLibrary framework developed by INFN and COMETA to create and manage digital repositories on the Grid. The AAI put in place is compliant with SAML 2.0 based Federations of Identity Providers enabled by Shibboleth. The INDICATE e-Culture Science Gateway has been configured as a Service Provider of the IDEM (www.idem.garr.it) Identity Federation which counts, as of today, more than 2,700,000 end users in Italy.
What has been done is a major step forward towards an easier and wider use of e-Infrastructures by non-expert users who do not want to deal with personal digital certificates and the complex Grid Security Infrastructure. Opening the Grid to the Identity Federations will allow a tighter coupling of e-Infrastructures with Digital Libraries and already existing Cultural Heritage repositories.
Primary author
Roberto Barbera
(University of Catania and INFN and COMETA)
Antonio Calanducci
Elisa Ingrà
Marco Fargetta
Maria Laura Mantovani
Miguel Ángel Saúl Soto
Riccardo Rotondo
Rita Ricceri