19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Service Management in the EGI/NGI ecosystem

20 Sept 2011, 16:00
1h 30m
Rhone 4 (40) (Lyon Conference Centre)

Rhone 4 (40)

Lyon Conference Centre


Owen Appleton (Emergence Tech Limited)Dr Thomas Schaaf (LMU)Mr Tomasz Szepieniec (Cyfronet)


This session has two core purposes: to collect feedback and experiences from EGI and NGI representatives in how they manage their Grid-based services, and to provide a vision of the emerging challenge of Grid service management and how it can be faced. Effective service level management is critical in production Grids, as their increasing maturity means that users are demanding a greater quality of service than seen in the development phase of the infrastructure. To compete with commercial services that aim for and often achieve ‘five nines’ levels of reliability, the Grid community needs to learn from industry’s experience in the area. This session provides a platform for members of the community to discuss service level management as a process by which grid infrastructure providers identify and agree on the level of IT service needed to satisfy their current level of maturity. It will also discuss best practices in delivering the utility and warranty users need (or expect), and pave the way to more advanced and effective service level agreements in grids. The session will be organised by the gSLM project, which is funded by the EC to bring experience from the commercial IT Service Management community to the Grid. It is also connected to two recently organized international workshops: BDIM2011 (held in conjunction with the 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management) and the MDGS2011 (held in conjunction 17th International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Euro-Par 2011). It will build upon the discussions about the Service level management in Grids, which takes place at both workshops, The session will have presentations by both IT Management and Grid researchers as well as an in-depth panel discussion.

Required Facilities

Projector, room for up to 50 participants, stage suitable for a 5 person panel discussion

Duration (90min sessions) 90min session, timed so that NGI and EGI ops and other representatives can attend. Could continue from an EGI ops session.

Primary authors

Owen Appleton (Emergence Tech Limited) Dr Thomas Schaaf (LMU)


Prof. Joan Serrat (UPC) Dr Martin Metzker (LMU) Mr Tomasz Szepieniec (Cyfronet)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
