19–23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The DECIDE project Science Gateway

20 Sept 2011, 14:00
Rhone 3 (Lyon Conference Centre)

Rhone 3

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


Dr Valeria Ardizzone (COMETA and INFN)


The EU FP7 DECIDE (www.eu-decide.eu) project is focused on supporting neurologists and physicians involved in the assessment of neurodegenerative diseases in the diagnosis and prognosis and aims at enhancing user confidence by improving the reliability of the required analysis and by integrating different clinical approaches. It has been conceived to target a non-technical medical audience and tries to support the daily needs of neurologists while dealing with their patients, going well beyond the world of research. The aim of the project is to design, implement, and validate a dedicated e-Infrastructure based on the neuGRID outcomes and relying on the GEANT backbone and its supporting NRENs, on EGI and some of the European NGIs. Over this e-Infrastructure, a production quality service will be provided around the clock for the computer-aided extraction from medical images of diagnostic disease markers for Alzheimer’s and schizophrenia. The service that will be realized in the course of the DECIDE project will be exposed to end users as a Science Gateway based on the Liferay portlet container and the gLite middleware and makes use of a sophisticated authentication and authorization mechanism supporting Federations of Identity Providers based on Shibboleth and SAML 2.0. This work reports on the architecture and the present implementation of the Science Gateway developed and describes the various functional aspects of the portal like the AAI, the interface to Grid services, medical data encryption, metadata management and training service. The motivation of the work is to enable e-Health for European citizens providing the largest possible number of them with access to a high-quality early diagnostic and prognostic service for the Alzheimer Disease and other forms of dementia.,On this purpose, the DECIDE Science Gateway has been configured as a Service Provider of the IDEM (www.idem.garr.it) Identity Federation which counts, as of today, more than 2,700,000 members in Italy and abroad.

Primary author

Dr Valeria Ardizzone (COMETA and INFN)


Dr Antonio Calanducci (COMETA and INFN) Dr Diego Scardaci (INFN) Gianluca Passaro (COMETA) Dr Marco Fargetta (COMETA and INFN) Dr Riccardo Rotondo (INFN) Rita Ricceri (INFN) Prof. Roberto Barbera (Univ. of Catania and INFN and COMETA)

Presentation materials