19โ€“23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


EGI Sustainability and Business Models

20 Sept 2011, 14:00
Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


EGI Sustainability and Business Models

  • Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)
  • Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.EU)

EGI Sustainability and Business Models

  • Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.EU)
  • Steven Newhouse (EGI.EU)


Early this year, EGI.eu produced an EGI Sustainability Plan providing a comprehensive list of the wide range of services that EGI provides and outlined a taxonomy of potential revenue streams in order to sustain these services for future discussion and exploration. As a preliminary assessment, the identified revenue streams started to be matched to the services provided.

This workshop represents a step forward in the preparation of the next iteration of the EGI sustainability plan. In preparation for this event, a survey was circulated among NGIs/EIROs and a report has been produced (https://documents.egi.eu/document/797).

During the first part of this session, the general challenge of EGI sustainability as dependent to the sustainability of its ecosystem entities (e.g., NGIs/EIROs, User Communities, Technology Providers, EGI.eu) will be depicted and the results of the survey will be presented. Furthermore, a representative of an NGI, a User Community and a Technology Provider will provide its view on the matter. A panel discussion will serve to better explore the value proposition of each participating entities.

The second session is more educational and is targeted at explaining what a business model is and details about what are they key components to describe it. Furthermore, insights on value proposition, service portfolio and revenue streams for EGI will be depicted. A real example for a possible EGI business model will be provided. A panel discussion will close the session.

The target audience is all representatives from NGIs/EIROs, user communities and technology providers that are involved in exploring and defining the sustainability plan of their own organizations. Experts in the area of business models are also welcome to contribute to the discussion.

The expected outcomes from the session are:
- All participants will learn about the results of the preparatory survey circulated amongst EGI (associated) participants (NGIs/EIROs)
- All participants will have a more clear understanding of the EGI eco-system sustainability challenge and its dependency to its componentsโ€™ sustainability
- All participants will gain a common understanding on business models and its related building blocks are so to establish a common ground to develop them for the various actors in the EGI eco-system
- All participants will contribute in refining the value proposition for NGI to its resource centres, EGI to its end-users, EGI.eu to its NGIs/EIROs, Technology Providers to resource centres, Technology Providers to end-users
- NGIs/EIROs/user community representatives will become more engaged on developing their business models and sustainability strategy in connection with EGI.eu/EGI
- All participants will contribute to the drafting of business models for NGIs and EGI.eu

Presentation materials

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Steven Newhouse
Welcome and General Introduction
Rhone 2, Lyon Conference Centre
14:00 - 14:10
Sergio Andreozzi
NGIs/EIROs Sustainability Survey Report
Rhone 2, Lyon Conference Centre
14:10 - 14:25
Dr Torsten Antoni
Grid Computing in Germany and the Quest for Sustainability
Rhone 2, Lyon Conference Centre
14:25 - 14:40
Dr Bob Jones
The long-term future for WLCG and the role of EGI
Rhone 2, Lyon Conference Centre
14:40 - 14:55
EMI Sustainability Plans
Rhone 2, Lyon Conference Centre
14:55 - 15:10
Panel Discussion
Rhone 2, Lyon Conference Centre
15:10 - 15:30
Sy Holsinger
Introduction to Business Models
Rhone 2, Lyon Conference Centre
16:00 - 16:35
Zeev Vaxman Fisher
Business Models: A Concrete Example for EGI
Rhone 2, Lyon Conference Centre
16:35 - 17:00
Panel Discussion
Rhone 2, Lyon Conference Centre
17:00 - 17:30