These sessions highlight the key results from the SA3 workpackage which focusses on the needs of the so-called Heavy User Communities (HUCs). The HUCs include High Energy Physics (HEP), Life Sciences (LS), Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A), Earth Sciences (ES), each of which is supported by a dedicated task, together with Shared Tools and Services which support these and other communities (including a number outside the HUC domain).
Fernando Barreiro Megino
22/09/2011, 14:35
The Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest scientific machine, is in operation since the beginning of 2010 and currently relies on the WorldWide LHC Computing Grid and EGI infrastructures for the offline computing needs of the 4 main experiments that will take data at this facility. Each experiment manages multi-Petabyte data volumes across tens of computing centers throughout the world...
Edward Karavakis
22/09/2011, 14:55
The Experiment Dashboard was developed in order to address the monitoring needs of the LHC experiments. It covers data management, job processing and infrastructure monitoring and works transparently across the various middleware flavours used by the LHC VOs. This presentation will summarise the key results and recent developments in monitoring of the LHC computing activities for the High...
Daniel Colin VAN DER STER
22/09/2011, 15:10
This talk will summarize the recent key results in analysis support for the high energy physics HUC. We will first review the user analysis activity in 2011 for the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Next, the development achievements and plans for the Ganga and CRAB grid analysis tools and the HammerCloud analysis testing service will be discussed. We will conclude with some key operational...