19โ€“23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


NGI User Support Teams

22 Sept 2011, 11:00
Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


The stated goal of EGI is to provide significant added value for existing and new user communities. The main providers of User Support service in EGI are National Grid Initiatives (NGIs), under the coordination of the User Community Support Team (UCST) of EGI.eu in Amsterdam. While NGI teams primarily serve national users, using the communication and coordination services by UCST the needs of multi-national, structured scientific user communities can be also addressed by NGIs.

The session presents the structure and achievements of NGI user support activities, through a sample of presentations by NGIs with active user support teams. The presentations will provide information about various reusable human and software services and best practices that NGIs develop and use, for training, application access, application porting, portal development, documentation, VO setup and testing.

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Gergely Sipos
User Support in EGI - reactive and proactive services
Rhone 2, Universe
11:00 - 11:12
Barbara Krasovec
User support activites in Slovenia
Rhone 2, Universe
11:12 - 11:25
sergio maffioletti
GC3Pie: A Python framework for high-throughput computing and Grid proxies
Rhone 2, Universe
11:25 - 11:38
Agnes Szeberenyi
Grid User Support activities in Hungary
Rhone 2, Universe
11:38 - 11:51
Giuseppe Giuseppe
User support in IGI: related tools and services in Italy
Rhone 2, Universe
11:51 - 12:04
Dr Torsten Antoni
User support activites in Germany
Rhone 2, Universe
12:04 - 12:17
Floris Sluiter
HPC Cloud - Interactive User Support
Rhone 2, Universe
12:17 - 12:30