19โ€“23 Sept 2011
Lyon Conference Centre
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


EGI Policy Development Workshop

20 Sept 2011, 11:00
Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre

Lyon Conference Centre, Lyon, France


EGI Policy Development Workshop

  • Sergio Andreozzi (EGI.EU)


Are you interested in knowing more about the opportunity to access EU Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure? Do you want fresh insights on the next framework programme and related funding schemes after 2013 (Horizon 2020)? Then, join this session.

The 2nd EGI Policy Workshop is the next step forward in facilitating and reinforcing the EGI-to-NGI and NGI-to-NGI policy development interactions and offer an opportunity to exchange best practices. This workshop leverages the first EGI Policy Workshop organised at the EGI User Forum in April 2011 to continue the flow of ideas on key policy issues, obtain updates from the NGIs on sustainability and agree on the main policy priorities in the short- and medium-term future.

Overall, this session is to directly engage the community to ensure that EGI collectively evolves in the right direction regarding national and transnational policy matters underlining the importance of these activities and why it is essential for community involvement in this area. The target audience is policy makers from EGI participants and external partners; nevertheless, anyone with genuine interest in policy matters for e-Infrastructures is welcome.

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